Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Angel Message for July 1,2014

Everyday wake up and be thankful, thankful for your blessings.  List them all.  Why are they blessings? Because they raise you higher.  They are that which makes your existence closer to God, to the divine within yourself and within this world.  A blessing is something which raises you high, a blessing is that which elevates, a blessing is that which elevates.  Elevates what?  A blessing is that which elevates your spirit, and in elevating that spirit and energy within you, you become closer to that divine that exists within you and it becomes an outward expression of the divinity within you. A blessing is that which raises you and your divine self, higher to become an outward expression of your divine power.

Be thankful be thankful.  There are situations in life which may not seem like that which you would call a blessing and experiences that hold you down but if you would let us in we would help you see the blessing in even the faulty experiences.  Unpleasant experiences are just that, experiences.  You always wonder what it’s all about, what is meant to be and, “why am I?” You are for the experiences, we are all expressions and experiences of the divine of that which man calls God, the All, the divine All, All that ever was All that is and All that will ever be, we are all an expression as well as an experience of the divine All, for the divine All.  You humans, you earth creatures, animals, insects, flowers and all on this planet you are not the only experience you are but one there are a whole host of creations, yes that which you call angels are but one creation, stars, planets, everything is part of All, you are part of All.  Do you not see your beauty in it All? 

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